Art container begins world tour in Rotterdam: traveling artist Hans Kalliwoda will camp out in a container on the property of the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi) in Rotterdam’s Museumpark.
Of all the shipping containers that will pass through Rotterdam this year, artist Hans Kalliwoda’s The World in a Shell will undoubtedly be the most striking. From March 25 through April 18, the traveling artist will camp out in a container on the property of the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi) in Rotterdam’s Museumpark. But “container” isn’t really the right word – The World in a Shell is a high-tech mobile house that can be converted into a museum, movie theatre or laboratory. In the next five years, the container will carry Hans Kalliwoda to 11 UNESCO world heritage sites scattered across all the continents.
For five years, Hans Kalliwoda and Delft University of Technology worked on the technical development of the shell-shaped container, in which he will have to survive in climates ranging from polar to tropical. Sustainability is a central concern. The World in a Shellgenerates its own electricity, recycles water, and is generally as self-sufficient as possible. But in the age of globalization, sustainability is also a social and cultural issue. On his around-the-world trip, Hans Kalliwoda will organize cultural activities for and by local populations. He will take the results away with him in the container, amassing an ever-growing worldwide exhibition that will bring different peoples into contact with each other.
The World in a Shell will premiere in Rotterdam, thereby starting its journey. Since art, technology and architecture come together In the container, the Netherlands Architecture Institute and V2_Institute for the Unstable Media are joining forces to organize a number of activities in and around the container. There will be workshops and a seminar on sustainability in art, architecture and science on April 1 at V2_. Follow Hans Kalliwoda's journey at, or drop by The World in a Shell!
Because, technology and architecture coincide in The World in a Shell, the NAi and V2_ are joining forces to organize a number of activities in and around the container:
Official Opening: The World in a Shell
March 27 | 17:00 | NAi Museumpark 25, Rotterdam
With Ute Meta Bauer, Robert Zwijnenberg, Han Brezet and Hans Kalliwoda
April 1 | 19:30 | Admission: € 7,50 | V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam | Reservation required
With Ion Sorvin (N55) and Anne Romme
April 2 | 10:00–18:00 | Admission: € 20,00 (€ 15,00 in combination with the Seminar) | Reservation required
Urban Adventure: A Walk in the Invisible City
With Petr Kazil and Wilfried Houjebek
April 9 | 16:00–18:00 | Admission: € 5,00 | Reservation required
For all reservations please contact Joris van Ballegooijen
The World in a Shell is made possible with the support of:
Mondriaan Foundation, Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds, SNS Reaal Fonds, Stichting Doen, UNESCO.
TU Delft, NAi, Blindpainters
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